Tuesday, March 30, 2010

When I'm Alone

You've breathed something into life... you were there since the beginning, putting all of your hopes and dreams and best wishes into it. Was that ever a bad thing? Is it bad to show so much love, even if it's not reciprocated? Is it a bad thing to truly believe in something and love it, care for it, and be there for it as much as you can? When do you know when you have put too much into something?
I think it's never a bad thing to love. I think loving is the best gift that our father can give us. It enables us to show affection, show our appreciation for a person, and it allows us to connect with someone on a deeper level. Love is an amazing thing - never to be taken for granted.

We're starting a book series in church called, "Rich Towards God". It's about being giving, and honestly loving that... and being rich towards God. NOT storing up your treasures on earth - but in heaven. I have learned over time, that I love to give.... I enjoy it so much. Even more so most of the times than receiving something myself. I love to put work and thought into the things I make, or do. I love to give to people - I don't like to hold back because of "money". If I had money to give to those hungry, or in need, and give someone a job who needed a job - I would be the first one to do it! I can't wait to get into that stable financial point in my life where I can do that, and become the giver I know I was meant to be. ...But anyway, but to topic. So far, I've read the first chapter, and I really like it. I'm going into business, so I'm thinking that reading a book like this will be good to keep me grounded as I will be dealing a lot with money, especially from the view point of a liberal school. But I like the book a lot so far, and am excited to finish reading it.

I'm loving my Lord right now. The birds are already singing and the sun hasn't even risen yet. The ground is wet by the fresh rain; the sky was grey against the vibrant bright trees yesterday afternoon which I always love; My hyacinths are fully bloomed in the back and making my yard smell so fragrant; I have a black bean burger awaiting me in the fridge for tomorrow; Everything is going somewhat smoothly for prom so far; and GOD is in control. I am loving life right now, and just feeling like a "feather"...waiting for God to blow me to my next destination (Lauren).

When I'm working...it's hard.
When it's night time...It's harder.
When I'm alone...It's the hardest.
And the worst part is knowing that this family wasn't/isn't wanted.

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